

gentoo penguin的相關標籤

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「我的南北極帆船航海行」 企鵝寶寶被信天翁活活吃掉了!大自然的生與死。 企鵝在南極的天敵有什麼呢?除了在海裡的虎鯨之外,偶爾還有海豹。而對嬌小的企鵝寶寶來說,體型龐大的鳥類也是天敵之一。 有些企鵝寶寶,會因為爸媽的遺棄,或者失蹤死亡而落單。身上沒有防水層的企鵝寶寶,完全沒有獵食能力,也無所遁逃。所以位於南極的信天翁(Albatross)經常會選落單的企鵝寶寶攻擊.... 親眼看見可憐的企鵝孤兒被吃真的有點傷心呢。但這就是大自然的食物鏈吧~ 希望大家不要被這暴力影片嚇到!如果沒嚇到的話....我接下來還有更多十八禁影片可以分享噢(賊笑)。 每個星期一,我都會跟大家分享我之前駕帆船去南北極的點滴喔! #星期一南北極航海行 #安息吧小企鵝 [My Polar Sailing Expedition] Gentoo penguin baby got eaten alive by albatross!! Life and death in wilderness. Penguin's predators include Orcas in the sea, and some types of seals. For the little penguin babies especially, giant albatross can be predators too. Some penguin babies are left alone due to either the abandonment or the death of their parents. Since they haven't grown a waterproof feather coat yet, they have no where to go or hunt. Albatross often attack the lonely penguin babies..... witnessing a penguin orphan being eaten alive was heartbreaking, but I guess this is the circle of life~~ Hope you are not too shocked by this clip of violence! If not... I have more PG13 clips to show you, haha. I will talk about my polar expeditions every Monday from now on! #PolarSailingMonday #RIPPenguinBaby

「我的南北極帆船航海行」 企鵝寶寶被信天翁活活吃掉了!大自然的生與死。 企鵝在南極的天敵有什麼呢...